SGA approves Above and Beyond Club at EU
SGA accepted a proposal for a new religious group named Above and Beyond at Elmhurst University during their meeting on April 28.
Above and Beyond is a religious organization with loose ties to Christianity. Anyone is welcome no matter their religious affiliation.
“The purpose of our club is to create a place for marginalized communities in religion,” Elecea “Emerson” Azcoitia said in an email to The Leader. “I feel like other groups say that they welcome everyone regardless of their religion, but their main goal is to convert people, that is not one of our values.”
This new club will focus on three separate activities: outreach aid services such as working with different volunteer groups in the surrounding area, relationship building in a non-religious way, and having conversations that the church is too scared to have.
Above and Beyond’s primary goal is for people to find out what religion means to them.
“It [religion] is not going to look the same for everyone and my goal is for people to be valued in and through their religious journey,” Azcoitia continued. “The goal is community and conversation, not conversion.”