Walter Street set to increase parking

Elmhurst College will soon add an additional 150 new parking spots to the Alexander parking lot.
Walter Street currently holds a 200,000 square foot stormwater detention basin, which prevents flooding.
“Elmhurst College is mindful of mitigating potential environmental impact once construction begins,” stated Mike Emerson, executive director of Facilities Management.
EC purchased the land on Walter Street in 2019 after talk circulated about purchasing the land in 2018.
The 150 new spots are being designed to be more accessible to commuters and will have safe pedestrian paths with LED parking lights to make a visible walking path.
Early designs show careful consideration for preserving the trees currently on the Alexander Lot, although more mature trees may inevitably be lost.
The greenery of the campus mall serves as inspiration for the new lot.
“Take some of the green quality of the center and start to bring that to other parts of campus,” Emerson said. “We should all feel part of Elmhurst College no matter where we are on it.”