SGA to distribute commuter appreciation baskets
A budget proposal passed on Thursday, March 18, by SGA will put $1,000 toward commuter student gift baskets. The baskets were planned by student senator Erum Atcha, who aims to celebrate students as the end of the academic year approaches.
According to student treasurer Husna Ahmed, the baskets will be offered later this semester, but the specific date is still being planned.
“It was a good idea for this to happen since there’s not much involvement for commuter students this year,” stated Ahmed.
The baskets will include hand sanitizer, pens, face-masks, bullet journals, first aid kits, umbrellas, water bottles, blankets, snacks, and portable chargers.
Baskets will be distributed to commuter students first, and any extras will go to other students on campus.
“It shows the commuter students that we appreciate them, like we still want to do stuff for them,” said Ahmed.