She’s witty, flawless, iridescent, and whimsical. She’s strong, resilient, and omnipotent. To many, she would be the dream woman. To us, she is The Leader. The […]
Students wear multiple hats throughout their involvement during college, whether it be as activists, community organizers, resident assistants, editors, presidents, orientation leaders, and more. It is […]
As the semester dwindles down into a cluster of final exams, projects, holidays, and daylight savings, a mountain of stress and a spell of annoyingly persistent […]
The tech industry has recently seen a rise in whistleblowers, or people who publicize information of corruptness or wrongdoings taking place in a company. Information exposing […]
The search committee for a new vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion brought four highly qualified individuals onto campus to meet with students and faculty […]
Time and time again, Elmhurst University boasts about the importance of diversity and inclusion to the institution. From establishing new scholarships for underrepresented students, lecture series, […]