Elmhurst University Hosts 58th Annual Jazz Fest

Elmhurst University hosted 15 colleges and universities and eight high schools across the Midwest for the 58th Annual Jazz Festival at Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel from Thursday, Feb. 20, to Sunday, Feb. 23.
Elmhurst University Jazz, represented by three ensembles, kicked off bright and early Friday morning. The Fest began with a live performance from Grammy-winning WDR Big Band from Cologne, Germany. The group was directed by acclaimed saxophonist, composer, arranger, and Big Band leader Bob Mintzer, who also performed Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings.
The EU Jazz Festival is widely known as one of the finest collegiate Jazz Festivals in the United States, it is the nation’s longest, annually running collegiate Jazz Festival. This year the event was held in person and through a live stream for online accessible viewing.
Lissette Hernandez, a 3rd-year Saxophone performer at EU, discovered jazz music in the 7th grade. “Having already loved playing saxophone in concert band, I was excited for the opportunity to explore a different style of music,” said Hernandez. “Although I’ve always leaned more toward classical music, I love how jazz brings people together.”
The lineup opened Friday night, with WDR Big Band and 17-time Grammy nominated and two-time Grammy award-winning jazz band, The Yellowjackets. Saturday, WDR Big Band took the stage playing the music of Dave Stryker and Bob Mintzer. Sunday finalized with WDR Big Band once more featuring Dave Stryker and Bob Mintzer.
This year’s Guest Artists were Sharel Cassity, drum artist Danny Gottlieb, trombone artist Ryan Keberle, who all performed with the EU Jazz Band Thursday afternoon & Saturday evening.
When asking Hernandez about a pivotal moment in her musical education, she highlighted her EU Jazz Saxophone Professor, Dan Nicholson. “Professor Nicholson has been an incredible mentor, and I can’t overstate how much of an impact he has had on me. He is not only an amazing musician but also a dedicated educator,” she told the Leader. “His balance of tough love and encouragement has helped me grow tremendously,” Hernandez added in the interview.
With EU’s Jazz Festival being a showcase for excellence for over half a century, an important part of the tradition is the High School Invitational, beginning in 1980. This year eight high schools across the Chicagoland area were given 30 minutes of stage time, along with 30 minutes of off-stage clinical work with this year’s Festival Guest Artists, Sharel Cassity, Danny Gottlieb, and Ryan Keberle, and members of EU jazz faculty. Mid-day, the guest artists performed with the EU Jazz Band.
This year as Participant Band Hostess, Hernandez had the ability to work alongside the guest artists. Hernandez said, “They are unbelievably talented, and it’s such a privilege to be in their presence, learning from them and performing their music.”
“Being part of this event both as a performer and behind the scenes has been an unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to be a part of it again!” said Hernandez.
For more information, or to schedule tickets for next year’s 2026 Jazz Festival, starting Thursday, Feb. 26 to Sunday, March 1, visit elmhurst.edu/JazzFestival. To register to participate, visit https://www.elmhurst.edu/about-special-events-jazz-festival/participant-information/.