EDITORIAL: Every election is essential to participate in
Nov. 8 is a very important date that should be put on everyone’s calendar, as it is the general election date for the state of Illinois.
For many college students, they may just pass this election up and not vote in it because it is not a presidential election, and they do not believe that this election is important.
But every election is important, no matter who or what you vote for. Being able to have your voice heard through your ballot is a privilege that we as adults in the United States have, and we need to use it at every chance we get.
The Nov. 8 election will impact all of us in Illinois, as this date will determine who our governor will be. We can either keep the state as it has been, by re-electing J.B. Pritzker, or we can go extreme, and elect Republican candidate Darren Bailey.
These two will have the most say on what happens to us in Illinois. Even if you are not from here, it is important to look up your candidates and educate yourself on which candidate you want to vote for.
This election can change a lot for our state, as a lot of issues are at risk. Illinois is one of the only states in the Midwest that protects abortion rights. If Bailey is elected as governor, there may no longer be access to safe abortions.
Human rights are at stake this Nov. You need to get up and vote before it is too late.
Every vote matters, even if you think it does not. While our current system may not be the best to get the general voice of the people, it is still important that you vote.
Even if you think you already know the results of an election, you can never be so certain.
Voting is quick and easy. If you go to your designated polling place, chances are you will be in and out within ten minutes. It’s like ripping a band-aid off, once you do it, it won’t seem as bad after.
It is also important to make sure you are knowledgeable of who the candidates are for each ballot beforehand. Do not be easily swayed into making a decision you may later regret. Going in with people in mind will help you, and help make a change.
If you are not registered to vote, it is very simple to do so, and can be done online. For Illinois voters, the last day to register online is on Oct. 23 through the State Board of Elections website, so make sure to register if you have not already.
However, some cannot make it to their designated polling place on the election date, and think that is the only way they can vote. Thankfully, there are two options to help those make sure that before election day, they can cast a vote.
Early voting is a very accessible option for those who cannot make it on the exact day, but can go to different designated locations to cast their vote. For Illinois, early voting starts on Oct. 24 and ends on Nov. 7.
This gives everyone two weeks to find a way to vote early. Look up early voting places for your district, and try to make the trip to vote.
Another way to vote is by mail. Mail-in ballots can be requested online, and the last day to request is on Nov. 3. The last day to mail in or drop off your ballot is on Nov. 8, the day of the election.
Voting is important, and it is especially important that you do so on Nov. 8. The future of our state is at risk, make sure that you use your voice to keep the state of Illinois in the correct direction.