Everything to know about your Libra besties

Whether or not you believe in astrology, knowing all about the different signs can help you understand all the people around you.
Sept. 23, through Oct. 22 marks Libra season, the seventh sign of the zodiac. Being ruled by the planet Venus, which rules love and beauty, Libras are one of the three beautiful air signs that are a part of the zodiac.
The symbol for Libras are “The Scales,” which perfectly describes them. Being the sign of harmony, Libras strive to find a balance between differences.
It also is important that Libras have a partner because they hate being alone. If you are an Aries or Sagittarius, you are in luck, as these signs are the most compatible with Libra.
Libras are gracious, diplomatic, and fair-minded, although they are also indecisive and hold grudges.
Being ruled by Venus makes Libras great partners. However, Libras love expensive items; beautiful and material items are everything to them. Make sure they are surrounded by music and art.
There are many famous Libras in the world, including some famous political figures. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, and Rutherford B. Hayes all were Libras. On top of these famous political figures, Kim Kardashian, Doja Cat, and Zac Efron are also Libras.
Spread peace this Libra season, as it is what they would want in the world. Even if you are not a Libra, it is important to treat everyone with kindness and to give everyone a fair shot.