Our Mission

What is The Leader?
The Leader is the award-winning student newspaper at Elmhurst University. The Leader is published every other Tuesday when classes are in session. Students write, photograph, design and edit the entire issue, gaining real-world journalism experience during their time at the college. The Leader is primarily funded by advertising revenue and student activity fees. The Leader is not submitted to any person or organization for prior approval. All text, photos and art cannot be reproduced without direct permission of The Leader.
The paper can be picked up in all campus buildings and certain off-campus sites. Issues of The Leader can also be viewed in PDF format. The Leader is divided into four sections: News, Arts and Culture, Opinions, and Sports.
Contents of The Leader are published by decision of the editor in agreement with the editorial board. Opinions expressed in The Leader do not necessarily reflect those ot the paper or its staff, and are not intended to represent those of the University at large.
We encourage Letters To The Editor on any campus news event, or on any story we've covered. Letters are welcome from the general public, as well as students, staff and alumni. To be considered, letters should include full name and contact information, including, at minimum, an email address and telephone number. Students or alumni should identify class year and major, while staff members should indicate department/title. All letters may be edited for length or clarity, as well as grammar and spelling.